What's your review of the 2021 film the Maltese Holiday? It's directed by Candice T. Cain, and stars Ashley Brinkman and Cody Calafiore.
#TheMalteseHoliday #Christmas #Christmasfilm #Christmasmovie #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #film #films #movie #movies Do you want to watch the Maltese Holiday? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About the Maltese Holiday 2021
Wondering where to watch the Maltese Holiday? If you know anywhere to stream or watch the Maltese Holiday full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
The Maltese Holiday plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12269268/
Director: Candice T. Cain
Writer: Candice T. Cain
The trailer can be found online.
Cast and Characters:
Ashley Brinkman - Shea Andrews
Cody Calafiore - Michael Foster
Liana Afuni - Waitress
Jennifer Ahrend - Traveler
Dylan Andrews - Wedding Guest
John Balsinger - Father of the Bride
Benjamin Bryant - Airline Employee
Al Capella - Wedding Guest
Lawrence Oliver Cherry - Sam
Lily Codrington - Traveler
Ratnesh Dubey - Hotel Clerk
Joseph Evangelista - Honeymooner
Susan Feinblatt - Traveler
Tuwon Fisher - Hotel Guest
Alan Fogelman - Traveler
Kaitlin Gonzalez - Honeymooner
Abigail Hawk - Kristen
Kristina Huegel - Hostess
Production Companies
Bryant Zamberlan Group
Gemelli Films
Heartly Creations