What's your review of the 1991 film Don't Touch My Daughter? It's directed by John Pasquin, and stars Victoria Principal.
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About Don't Touch My Daughter 1991
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Don't Touch My Daughter plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101758/?ref_=tt_mv_close
Directed by John Pasquin
Written by Marjorie Dorner (novel), John Bensink, Rick Husky
Cast and Characters:
Victoria Principal - Linda
Paul Sorvino - Lt. Willman
Jonathan Banks - Ryter
Danielle Harris - Dana Hemmings
Christine Healy - Susan
Charles Siebert - Gordon
Gregg Henry - Hal Lawrence
Susan Barnes - Sandy Ryter
Christopher Wynne - Haggerty
Jeremy Roberts - Garnsey
William Lanteau - Carver
Casey Sander - Jerry Fisher
Johna Stewart-Bowden - Erin Fisher
Frank Birney - Judge Landis
Layla Bias Galloway - Judge Moorehead
Virginia Morris - Mrs Ross
Laurel Lockhart - Ann Carver
Brandon Keith - Curtis
Production Companies
Patchett Kaufman Entertainment
Victoria Principal Productions
World International Network (WIN)