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Christmas In the Heartland 2018 Film | The Christmas Trap

What's your review of the 2018 film Christmas In the Heartland (or the Christmas Trap)? It's directed by Harvey Lowry, and stars Sierra McCormick, Brighton Sharbino, and Shelley Long.

About Christmas In the Heartland 2018

Wondering where to watch Christmas In the Heartland? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Christmas In the Heartland full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

Christmas In the Heartland plot from IMDb:

Director: Harvey Lowry

Writer: Dave Matheny

The trailer can be found online.

Cast and Characters:

Sierra McCormick - Kara Gentry

Brighton Sharbino - Jessie Wilkins

Bo Derek - Elsa Gentry

Shelley Long - Judy Wilkins

Christopher Rich - Bob Gentry

JoeDon Rooney - Jim Wilkins

Tiffany Fallon - Sherry

Paula Trickey - Ida Beth

Christian Kane - Jeff Gentry

Tisha Bradford - June

Bryan Whorton - Roy Wilkins

Gavin Taylor - Roger Wilkins

Parker Ridings - Donnie Ray Wilkins

Thatcher Ridings - Junior Wilkins

Bryson Smith - Wesley

Jasmine Fontes - Analisa

Betsy Hume - Gina Greystone

Alex Preble - Ashley

Chris Freihofer - Jaret

Paula Jay Fairbrother - Darlene Jessup

Harvey Lowry - Zachary

Production Companies

Ascension Media

BCF Film Group

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