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You'll Never Walk Alone | Doris Day Albums

What's your review of the Doris Day album You'll Never Walk Alone? #DorisDay #YoullNeverWalkAlone #music Do you want to listen to Doris Day's You'll Never Walk Alone album? Scroll down for more information!

About the Doris Day You'll Never Walk Alone Album


(Information from Wikipedia)

Track listing

Track # Song Songwriter(s)

1 "If I Can Help Somebody" Alma Bazel Androzzo

2 "Nearer My God to Thee" Sarah Flower Adams, Lowell Mason

3 "The Prodigal Son" Martin Broones, William Aubert Luce[1]

4 "Abide with Me" Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk

5 "Bless This House" Helen Taylor, May H. Morgan

6 "You'll Never Walk Alone" Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II

7 "In the Garden" C. Austin Miles

8 "Walk with Him" Henry Vars, William Dunham

9 "Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair)" Evelyn Danzig, Jack Segal

10 "Be Still and Know" William Aubert Luce

11 "I Need Thee Every Hour" Annie Hawks, Robert Lowry

12 "The Lord's Prayer" Albert Hay Malotte


Buddy Cole - piano

Jim Harbert - arranger, conductor

Leo Fuchs - photography

Released September 17, 1962

Label: Columbia

Producers: Irving Townsend, Jim Harbert

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