What's your review of the Golden Girls episode Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket? (S04E08)? It stars Betty White (Rose Nylund), Bea Arthur (Dorothy Zbornak), Rue McClanahan (Blanche Devereaux), and Estelle Getty (Sophia Petrillo).
#TheGoldenGirls #GoldenGirls #BettyWhite #BeaArthur #RueMcClanahan #EstelleGetty Do you want to watch the Golden Girls episodes? Did you enjoy the full series or just parts of it?
About the Golden Girls 4x08 (Season 4 Episode 08) Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket?
Wondering where to watch the Golden Girls? If you know anywhere to stream or watch the Golden Girls episodes online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray. At the time of writing, it's on Disney Plus.
Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket? plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0589727/
Director: Terry Hughes
Writer: Kathy Speer, Terry Grossman
Cast and Characters:
Bea Arthur - Dorothy Zbornak
Betty White - Rose Nylund
Rue McClanahan - Blanche Devereaux
Estelle Getty - Sophia Petrillo
Karl Wiedergott - Kenny
Matthew Faison - Father Campbell
Herta Ware - Ida
Teddy Wilson - Ben
Andre Rosey Brown - Bodyguard
Howard Goodwin - Auctioneer
Art K. Koustik - Dave
Stan Wojno - Philip Starr
Maria Berman - Auction Bidder
Kelly Burris - Auction Bidder
Sherri Rabinowitz - Homeless Mother