What's your review of the 2012 stop-motion animated short film Jingle & Bell's Christmas Star? It's directed by Chel White, and follows on from Jingle All the Way.
#JingleandBellsChristmasStar #stopmotion #animation #Christmasshorts Do you want to watch Jingle & Bell's Christmas Star? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?
About Jingle & Bell's Christmas Star 2012
Wondering where to watch Jingle & Bell's Christmas Star? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Jingle & Bell's Christmas Star full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.
Jingle & Bell's Christmas Star plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2306587/
Cast and Characters:
Thomas Stroppel - Jingle
Julie Reiter - Bell
Ryan Bley - Andrew
Ami Shalabh - Sofia
Chad Darrow - Narrator
Patty Mattson - Sofia's Mom
Denis Martell - Sofia's Dad
Morgan Elizabeth Cox - Andrew's Mom
Nathan Dunkin - Andrew's Dad
Bobbi Evans - Mrs Waxman
Sam Adler - Bruce
Allison Cohen - Sarah
J.A. Maldonado - Miguel
Amanda Sofia Rodriguez - Megan
Croix Kyles - Jonathan
Dino Andrade - Mover Guy 1
Brian Finnerty - Cardinal & Mover Guy 2
Director: Chel White
Writers: Laura McGie, Allan Neuwirth, Chel White
Production Companies
Bent Image Lab
Pershing Road Productions