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I Haven't Got a Hat 1935 Merrie Melodies Cartoon Short Film | First Porky Pig Cartoon

What's your review of the 1935 Warner Bros Merrie Melodies animated cartoon short film I Haven't Got a Hat? It's directed by Friz Freleng, and featurs characters including Porky Pig (this is the first Porky Pig cartoon), Beans the Cat, Little Kitty, Oliver Owl, and Ham and Ex.

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About I Haven't Got a Hat

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I Haven't Got a Hat plot from IMDb:

Cast and Characters:

Elvia Allman - Miss Cud

Billy Bletcher - Beans / Ex

Joe Dougherty - Porky Pig

Bernice Hansen - Little Kitty / Ham

Martha Wentworth - Miss Cud

Directed by Isadore Freleng

Produced by Leon Schlesinger

Music by Bernard Brown

Animation by Rollin Hamilton, Jack King

Production company: Leon Schlesinger Productions

Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, The Vitaphone Corporation

Release date: March 2, 1935

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