What's your review of the Full House episode Working Girl (S04E14)? The show stars Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, John Stamos, Candace Cameron Bure, Jodie Sweetin, Ashley Olsen, Mary-Kate Olsen, Lori Loughlin, and Andrea Barber.
#FullHouse #CandaceCameronBure #JodieSweetin #BobSaget Do you want to watch the Full House episodes? Did you enjoy the full show or just parts of it?
About Full House Season 4 Episode 14 (4x14) Working Girl
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Full House Working Girl episode plot from IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0776076/?ref_=tt_ep_nx
Director: Joel Zwick
Writers: Marc Warren, Dennis Rinsler
Cast and Characters:
John Stamos as Jesse Katsopolis
Bob Saget as Danny Tanner
Dave Coulier as Joey Gladstone
Candace Cameron Bure as D.J. Tanner
Jodie Sweetin as Stephanie Tanner
Ashley Olsen as Michelle Tanner
Mary-Kate Olsen as Michelle Tanner
Lori Loughlin - Becky Donaldson
Andrea Barber - Kimmy Gibbler
Andy Goldberg - Jack
Donna Lynn Leavy - The Mother
Marquis Nunley - Anthony