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Enola Holmes Netflix Film | Helena Bonham Carter | Millie Bobby Brown

What's your review of the new Enola Holmes film on Netflix, starring Helena Bonham Carter and Millie Bobbie Brown? #Enola #EnolaHolmes #MillieBobbyBrown #HelenaBonhamCarter Do you want to watch Enola Holmes? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information about Sherlock Holmes's younger sister Enola, and find out about the 2020 Netflix film!

Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Енола Холмс, 福尔摩斯小姐:消失的侯爵, Ferndell

If you know anywhere to stream or watch Enola Holmes full movie online free (and legally!), feel free to share this information! It's currently on Netflix.


Given my relentless love for Helena Bonham Carter, I was in part looking forward to Enola Holmes, but I was otherwise not sure if it would be for me or not. Quite frankly, I couldn't have been more wrong. Netflix's Enola Holmes is incredible!

So Enola is played by Millie Bobby Brown, who's matured quite a lot since Stranger Things, and Enola is the younger sister of one very popular Sherlock Holmes. From the very beginning Enola is narrating the film - it's very much her story, and we go on the journey alongside her, rather than as a spectator. As far as narrative tropes go, this is something I really enjoyed. The film itself is great fun, very creative, and utterly gorgeous.

Admittedly, before watching this, I actually didn't know what it was about. It's quickly apparent that Enola discovers one day that her mothe Eudoria, played by HBC and with whom Enola has an admirable relationanship, has disappeared. With her mother disappeared, Sherlock and Mycroft go to the family home to try and solve the mystery, while also taking the opportunity to try to send Enola to finishing school.

I love Enola. She's so free spirited, so assertive. She loves reading. She's adventurous. She's a brilliant role model, and really very well acted by Millie Bobby Brown. Her performance is brilliant.

The rest of the cast is great too. Obviously Helena Bonham Carter is amazing, but by the very nature of the plot she's not in it too much. She does pop up here and there though. Sherlock and Mycroft are brilliantly played by Henry Cavill and Sam Claflin respectively. Louis Partridge was great as Lord Tewksbury, and it was great to see Claire Rushbrook as Mrs Lane.

It's directed by Harry Bradbeer and written by Jack Thorne, based on the novel by Nancy Springer. I ws particularly interested to find out who was in charge or costumes. It's Consolata Boyle, who has designed for so many great films. I lost count of how many costume changes Enola had, but every one of them was glorious with the times.

Certainly the beginning of the twentieth century is one of my favourite decades, and this film oozes such magnificence. The beautiful countryside and homes are lovely, and particularly striking against the contrast of London - which is also pepresented quite brilliantly. I could find a few filming locations - namely Hatfield House and Greenwich - but it'd be great to have a database of the other locations. Hopefully I can dig up some more soon.

The last thing I want to mention is the music. The sound effects. One of my favourite moments in the whole film was when somebody's scream transitions into the whistling of a steam train. The soundtrack is mellow when it needs to be, intense at other times, and never out of place. Daniel Pemberton is behind that, and I'll definitely be exploring it more as and when the soundtrack is released.

So. Enola Holmes. I never really give star ratings as I find it quite difficult to sum up a film with a rating out of five, but honestly this is a five out of five and nothing less. It's two of the greatest hours I've ever spent watching a film, and quite frankly I want to see it again. If you've seen it, do let me know your thoughts. And if you haven't seen it? I strongly urge you to do so.


Director: Harry Bradbeer

Writers: Nancy Springer (novel), Jack Thorne (screenplay)

Cast and Characters:

Millie Bobby Brown Enola Holmes

Henry Cavill Sherlock Holmes

Sam Claflin Mycroft Holmes

Helena Bonham Carter Eudoria Holmes (Enola's mother)

Louis Partridge Lord Tewkesbury

Where is Enola Holmes filmed? Hatfield House, Greenwich

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