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Baby Sellers 2013 Film | Kirstie Alley, Jennifer Finnigan

What's your review of the 2013 film Baby Sellers? It's directed by Nick Willing, and stars Kirstie Alley and Jennifer Finnigan. #BabySellers #KirstieAlley #JenniferFinnigan Do you want to watch Baby Sellers? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information!

About Baby Sellers

Alternative titles (from Letterboxd): Handlarze dziećmi

Wondering where to watch Baby Sellers? If you know anywhere to stream or watch Baby Sellers full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus, DVD, or blu-ray.

Baby Sellers plot from IMDb: "Inspired by true events, the Lifetime Original Movie, Baby Sellers, exposes the shocking international criminal enterprise of infant trafficking. Stars Emmy winner Jennifer Finnigan and Emmy and Golden Globe winner Kirstie Alley."

Baby Sellers trailer on IMDb:

Cast and Characters:

Jennifer Finnigan as Detective Nic Morrison

Kirstie Alley as Carla Huxley

Arjun Gupta as Dilip

Doron Bell as Kyle

Nicole Muñoz as Dolorita (as Nicole Munoz)

Alessandro Juliani as David Azevedo

Lane Edwards as Reese

Cas Anvar as Vikram

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