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Arms and the Man 1989 Film | Helena Bonham Carter | G. Bernard Shaw

What's your review of the 1989 film adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man? It's directed by James Cellan Jones, and stars Helena Bonham Carter. #ArmsandtheMan #HelenaBonhamCarter #GeorgeBernardShaw Do you want to watch Arms and the Man? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it? Scroll down for more information! "My chocolate creme soldier!"


If you know anywhere to stream or watch Arms and the Man full movie online free (Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc), feel free to share this information!

Arms and the Man plot from IMDb: "1865: Swiss captain Bluntschli fights as mercenary in the war between Bulgaria and Serbia. When his group's attacked by a few Bulgarian troopers, he learns that he's got the wrong ammunition for his cannon and has to flee. His flight leads him right into the bedroom of his enemy's fiancée."

Arms and the Man trailer on IMDb:

Cast and Characters:

Helena Bonham Carter Raina Petkoff

Nicolas Chagrin Nicola

Mark Crowdy Russian Officer

Patsy Kensit Louka - maid

Dinsdale Landen Maj. Petkoff

Kika Markham Catherine Petkoff

Patrick Ryecart Sergius Seranoff

Pip Torrens Captain Bluntschli

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