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A New Lease On Christmas 2021 Lighthouse Pictures Film | Claire Coffee

What's your review of the 2021 Lighthouse Pictures film A New Lease On Christmas? It's directed by Leigh Scott, and stars Claire Coffee as Becky.

#ANewLeaseOnChristmas #LighthousePictures #Christmas #Christmasmovies Do you want to watch A New Lease On Christmas? Did you enjoy the full movie or just parts of it?

About A New Lease On Christmas

Alternative titles (from Letterboxd):

Wondering where to watch A New Lease On Christmas? If you know anywhere to stream or watch A New Lease On Christmas full movie online free, feel free to share this information! Most of the films and TV shows I review can be found on Amazon Prime, Netflix, DVD, or blu-ray.

A New Lease On Christmas plot from IMDb:

Director: Leigh Scott

Writers: Robert A. Friedman, Jack Marchetti

The trailer can be found online.

Cast and Characters:

Claire Coffee - Becky

George Stults - Jake

Jerry E England - Santa Claus

Elizabeth Friedman - Nicky

Paige Laviolette - Payton

Austin Parsons - George Miller

Paul Wilson - Robert

Vincent De Paul - Dr. Henry Franks

Ruby Jane Friedman - Jenny

Josh Aldridge - Francis

Sean-Michael Argo - Theo

Angelle Bourgois - Tara

Alayna Cannon - Hostess

Courtney Dickens - Susan

Alyssa Dufren - Jackie

Kate Durio - Anne

Hannah Gilly - Rebekah

Daniel Hager - James

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